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Care Services

Care Services support student well-being, promote academic success, and enrich the Titan experience. 工作人员 place an emphasis on individualized attention to help students feel understood and empowered to make informed decisions about their path to graduation.


  • Respond to students who need help navigating the university.
  • Respond to students in distress referrals.
  • Respond to the most serious student referrals through consultation and coordinated action plans that mitigate risk and promote campus safety.
  • Respond to reports of student deaths and pertinent university processes. 
  • Facilitate educational outreach, trainings, and presentations campus-wide that increase awareness of services and resources.

What Are Care Services?

  • Non-clinical case management for students who experience academic, 情感, 物理, or mental health-related distress.
  • Information and referrals related to support services, campus departments, and university policies.
  • Helping students develop healthy action plans that restore well-being and promote success.
  • Faculty notification should students miss class due to hospitalization.

Why Does CSUF Offer Care Services?

  • Because difficult life experiences happen and can affect a student’s academic performance and enrollment.
  • Intervention and appropriate action plans require consultation, collaboration, coordination, communication, and follow-up.
  • New and continuing students need help learning where to go, who to contact, how to access certain services based on their inquiries, and resolve issues.

How We Help Students

Many students can successfully manage the demands of college life. When the pressures become overwhelming, care services may ease student distress. Learn more about these resources for students.

For Students

How We Help Faculty & 工作人员

Because they frequently interact with students, faculty and 工作人员 are in a direct position to observe and respond to student issues. Initial intervention can have a significant impact on a student’s future well-being. Learn about these resources for faculty and 工作人员.

为教师 & 工作人员

培训 & Presentations

Care Services 工作人员 offer several presentations and trainings for faculty, 工作人员, and students to help address a variety of student distress 担忧.

Request a Training or Presentation

Scope of Care Services Authority

Care Services are not an emergency response notification.

  • Faculty and 工作人员 should call 9-1-1 for emergency, imminent, life-threatening situations. 
  • Care Services 工作人员 are not on-call or available outside of regular business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm) including holidays and campus closures.


工作人员 extend outreach to students, however, student response is voluntary. Students are not required to respond, meet with Care Services 工作人员 , or accept support.

  • Initial interventions, especially regarding 令人不安的 and problematic behavior, should begin with faculty or 工作人员. 
  • Faculty and 工作人员 should talk with those students first and clearly define the particular behavior that is considered inappropriate. 
  • Students are not inclined to respond to Care Services outreach without prior context, engagement and intervention from faculty or 工作人员.
  • Because student response to care outreach is voluntary, they may continue to display distressing, 令人不安的, or problematic behavior in the classroom, department or office unless faculty/工作人员 intervene first.


Classroom management responsibilities fall under the academic department/college.

  • Faculty and 工作人员 can consult with Care Coordinators about incidents, 行为, 担忧, and discuss various strategies, interventions and support services that de-escalate students and ease 情感 distress.
  • Academic and instructional related matters such as student requests for excused absences, extensions on assignments/exams, extra credit, grade updates, 辅导, 不完整的, grade changes, grade disputes, academic appeals, 等. should be addressed by faculty. 
  • Faculty take the lead with establishing academic and behavioral expectations and boundaries to address and reduce 令人不安的 or problematic behavior.
  • Faculty and 工作人员 should report 行为 and incidents that rise to the level of a Student Conduct Code violation to the Office of Student Conduct 工作人员. When in doubt, faculty and 工作人员 can consult with the Office of Student Conduct .